
Separated by Love

The Trade Union Cultural House Ploiesti

March 13, 2025, 7:00 PM

A delightful comedy about love, friendship, and the desire to have the best in the world without any sacrifice. Here are the characters: a middle-aged man who has missed all his chances in life, his former high school colleague who seems to have everything he could want, and the colleague's wife, an intellectual with many regrets but full of the desire to love. They are the protagonists who will make you laugh until you cry. A new super comedy featuring Ana Odagiu, Sergiu Costache, and Marius Gîlea.

For additional details regarding the above event, please contact the organizing company: Best Mariage SRL, CIF 19116120, BUCURESTI

Categoria 1 - 75,00 lei
Categoria 2 - 59,00 lei
Reducere 50% - 37,50 lei
Gray seats are occupied.
Blvd. Republicii 65
Despartiti din dragoste - Ploiesti, 13 March 2025
Casa de Cultura a Sindicatelor , Ploiesti
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